The Rabbit

I was waiting for Target to open and since I had my camera with me I decided to drive around the back to see if by chance I could find a hawk (I’ve seen one in the area a few times). I saw Mr. Rabbit while I was driving around and decided to try and get some close-ups. After a couple pics it hopped away so I left. Then I noticed in my rear view mirror that it came back to the same spot. I turned around to try for some more, but by the time I returned it had hopped back up a hill, but still relatively close. I took a couple more pics when it hopped right up to my truck about ten feet away and resumed its business – sweet! The next thing I know it bolted back up the hill to the trees – the hawk that I was looking for just swooped directly above us! I watched it fly away hoping it would land in a nearby tree but I couldn’t find it anywhere. ‘Hare’ are the pics …